Sunday, January 23, 2011

Love, Main Ingedient for A solid Foundation

God is awesome! He is the lifter of my soul & I will forever praise him.

The message today finds me struggling. People can & will, if you allow them, make you miss the very thing that God is/represents & that’s Love. God is love, love is God. If we fail to include love in the foundation of our walk with Christ, we are wasting our time. Join me today , when things/people come across our paths & they are less than pleasant, stop & ask yourself what Christ would do. Focus on the sacrifice Christ made for us & that should end all confusion on how we should treat our neighbors/adversities. The path of Jesus/Love never fails. How will you handle adversities with people or situations today?  

I’m walking in the fullness of God, nothing lacking, nothing missing, nothing wanted. I’m walking in the fullness of God

Have a blessed day!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Solid Foundation

One day as I was accessing my life, I discovered things were not the way I wanted them to be. I was grateful to God for blessing me with a job and a supervisor that was pretty decent. One day I applied for a position that I was more than qualified for & was currently performing. I met with my supervisor & she  told me in a round about way the position was going to be given to someone else. In our meeting we  agreed the person selected was not the most qualified but her manager insisted on hiring this individual.
Family is very important to me but there were things going on in my home that were tearing me apart. My home is my sanctuary and I should be able to find peace there if I can’t find it anywhere else. Next,  there was the matter of finances. Bills were being paid but I was living on credit cards & from paycheck to paycheck. That was not good, my head was hung down most of the time. When I could find the strength to lift my head, I could not see clearly. It appeared as if I was in the middle of an ocean & there was no land insight. Has anyone ever found themselves in this state?
I was raised in church so I knew Jesus was able to do anything but fail. I continued to attend church & was tithing. I am a firm believer that the message received on Sunday mornings should be taken & applied to our lives Monday thru Saturday. If we fail to do so then Sunday mornings are a waste of time. But it was just recently that I discovered what & how to really get God’s attention. God is moved by our love & obedience to him. Matthew 22:36-40 talks about the Ten Commandments given to us by God to follow. Jesus was asked which of the commandments were the greatest & he stated, thy should love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. That’s simple, it does not require a Master or PHD to be able to follow those instructions but we have all failed. God is love and he requires us to love, honor & obey him & love our neighbor. That is the foundation for having a prosperous life. God wants to have a relationship with us not a religious worship experience on Sunday mornings or whenever we gather together in our sanctuaries. When we develop a relationship with God, love & obey his word/will, then we will see our lives began to prosper from the inside out.
We must remember God is love, love is God, love forgives all, and love doesn’t hurt. If you are uncertain about anything in life, take it to the word of God and give it the love test. If it don’t fit, don’t force it. What are you forcing to fit in your life today?